Now just $4 per share!



What is Community Solar?

COMMUNITY SOLAR is available to residential co-op members just like you!

The subscription-based program allows homeowners or renters to subscribe to solar shares at $4 PER SHARE — equivalent to 125 kWh or two solar panels.

By participating in COMMUNITY SOLAR, you, our electric co-op member, are literally harnessing the power of the sun!

There is no change to your electric service — you’ll use electricity just as you do now. The only difference is that the energy generated on your behalf will be 100% RENEWABLE ENERGY.

As a SOLAR SUBSCRIBER, you’ll receive an adjustment on your bill for electricity generated based on the number of shares purchased.

Those adjustments reflect the performance of your subscribed number of solar shares and are based on the amount of power generated by JOHNSON CORNER SOLAR and the market revenue from the power sold into the energy market each month.

Based on three years of performance (2021-2023), a subscriber investing in 7 COMMUNITY SOLAR SHARES SAVED $449* total on their electric bill! That’s after taking the $35 monthly subscription cost into account!


No change to your electric service!

Why Sign Up?

As a homeowner, participating in COMMUNITY SOLAR eliminates the worry of zoning restrictions or petitioning your homeowners association.

It eliminates the upfront cost (approx. $30,000), hassle and maintenance of rooftop solar.

Renters can participate, too. In fact, any residential member who pays an electric bill can participate, including our PREPAY POWER members!

Nothing is installed on your roof and no adjustments are made to your electric service!

You’re working with Wheatland Electric, your trusted energy partner, throughout the whole process.

You can participate at any percentage of your eligible shares (check your eligibility with your local office), and you can move your shares up or down once a year!

If you move to a new home within Wheatland’s service territory, your subscription may transfer to your new service.

Subscribers can cancel at any time; however, once the agreement has been terminated, a co-op member may not participate again for one year.

There are no processing, administration or other fees! The only thing you pay is $5 per share, per month!

Three Year Cost Savings Act Now
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As a solar subscriber, signing up means one contract, no large initial investment, no maintenance costs, and ALL the benefits!

None of the headaches!

How Do I Sign Up for Community Solar?

Wheatland Electric members can subscribe on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Subscription sign-ups will always see a two-month bill delay due to processing times.
  • Contact your local Wheatland Electric office to calculate your allowed number of solar shares based on your 12-month average electric consumption.
  • Members interested in participating can sign up by completing the WHEATLAND COMMUNITY SOLAR SHARE AGREEMENT.
  • Act now, as SHARES ARE LIMITED!

What is Johnson Corner Solar?

JOHNSON CORNER SOLAR IS A 20 MW FACILITY located two miles from Johnson City, Kansas.

It is about 2,000 times larger than a typical residential rooftop solar installation. 

The utility-scale size of Johnson Corner Solar provides a significantly lower price for solar energy compared to rooftop installations. 

COMMUNITY SOLAR systems have the advantage of economies of scale — meaning costs decrease as the size of the system increases and can be spread out amongst many participants.

And that means more solar savings than your average rooftop installation! 

Where is Johnson Corner Solar?