Caldwell, KS–Wheatland Electric Cooperative, Inc. (WEC) announced today that Caldwell Cub Scout Pack 940 has been awarded a $1,000 grant from our Sharing Success Fund.
The Caldwell Cub Scouts will be using the grant to construct a Flag retirement box to be located outside the city office. “Not everyone knows how to respectfully retire an old, tattered American Flag,” said Pack 940 committee chair Tammie Smith, “But scouts do!” Residents will be able to drop off their American flags in the collection box and scouts will retrieve and retire the flags with dignity and respect. The Boy Scouts of America explains, “As the symbol of America, the flag stands for the past, present, and future of our country. It represents our people, our land, and our many ways of life…Conducting a flag retirement ceremony is a very meaningful opportunity for Scouts and Scouters to reflect on the meaning of the flag as a great symbol of freedom.”
Cub Scouts is open to boys and girls, kindergarten through fifth grade. The program is designed to help youth develop foundations in leadership, citizenship and respectful relationships through fun activities involving parents and legal guardians. Each age group has a yearly adventure to complete that involves giving back to the community. Pack 940 accomplishes this by doing numerous projects such as cleaning litter, Memorial Day flag placement at the cemetery and planting flowers in the park. Activities are centered around earning badges that are specific to each age level.
The Scott Community Foundation began formally accepting applications for grants from the Wheatland Electric Sharing Success Fund from community-based organizations on December 1, 2012. WEC and CoBank have each contributed $10,000 this again year to the fund. The program will continue to run until the funds are exhausted. Since 2012, the Sharing Success Fund has made $145,000 available to community-based organizations and projects across WEC’s service territory.
Community based organizations interested in receiving funding from the Wheatland Electric Sharing Success Fund can apply online. Questions should be referred to Alli Conine, Director of Member Services & Corporate Communications, at 620-874-4563 or