Wheatland Electric Cooperative, Inc. Postpones Annual Meeting in Proactive Response to Coronavirus Concerns and in Compliance with Executive Order 20-4

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News release prepared by: Alli Conine, 620-874-4563 or aconine@weci.net 


3/19/2020 - (Scott City, KS)

Wheatland Electric Cooperative, Inc. Postpones Annual Meeting in Proactive Response to Coronavirus Concerns and in Compliance with Executive Order 20-4

Wheatland’s concern for community extends to the health and welfare of each and every member, neighboring friends and all those we do business with each day.  Amid growing global concern over the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and the Executive Order from Governor Kelly prohibiting gatherings of more than 50 people, we have decided to postpone Wheatland’s annual meeting originally scheduled for April 22nd in Caldwell, KS.

Wheatland is very mindful that it operates a critical infrastructure that provides essential electric service to its members. This is a responsibility the co-op takes very seriously and that is why it is taking important measures to help ensure the reliable electric service Wheatland provides is not compromised during this national crisis. Some of these measures include restricting employee travel outside the Wheatland service area; postponing the annual meeting; advising all employees who are not feeling well to stay home; and distributing information on best practices for staying healthy.

Wheatland will continue to monitor this situation closely and explore further measures to support our members and the communities we serve as needed. Wheatland would like to thank its members for their cooperation as the co-op makes necessary adjustments during these difficult and changing times. Wheatland is fully committed to providing the reliable electric service its members rely on every day.

Wheatland will keep the membership informed on when and where the new date for Annual Meeting will occur.  Please keep checking our website at www.weci.net, social media, media channels, and local media announcements.